Sunday, July 10, 2005

in the dark

Billy cowered under his blankets; safe, invisible to their searching eyes. “It’s just your imagination.” He remembered his father saying. “Monsters are only as real as you make them son.” at this he sighed with relief, relaxing... until he felt their squeeze. Apparently he had made them very real indeed.

Greedy Archeologists

They’d been digging for years. Their investors, like their hair, had thinned over time. Finally they gazed upon it, numbed from the reality of it, enchanted by its beauty. This artifact was indeed priceless. They looked at it, then each other. Tragically, greed would only allow one to claim it.

No title

There, oscillating with perfectly timed rhythm, black and gleaming in the sun light. Suddenly trembling as if cold or afraid, jerking from side to side almost out of control, close to breaking, close to delivering its coveted prey. Suddenly the tension was gone, Once again it oscillated, back and forth.